Mini Quantum Analyzer
Code: 109Product detailed description
Detailed product description
Mini Quantum is a device developed on the basis of the latest scientific discoveries in the field of bioenergy and biomagnetism.
Its designed in such a way that, using the possibilities of the most modern electronics, it can sense the weak magnetic field created by the human organism, analyze it down to the level of magnetic radiation and mutual resonances of individual body cells.Its clear and comprehensive output draws attention to detected abnormalities and shows where it is possible to look for the causes caused by any imbalance in the tested organism.
This makes it possible to react in time and, with small lifestyle adjustments, to prevent the emergence of difficulties and to approach the overall harmony of the organism.
The actual scan takes no more than a minute!
In just such a short time you will get a comprehensive overview of your physical condition!
The output of monitoring processed using original software is over thirty comprehensive reports sorted by individual logically related groups of tested indicators with explanations and comments that can be viewed on a computer screen or printed on a printer.
The Mini Quantum set includes:
- The Mini Quantum device itself
- White cable with measuring probes
- USB key (without it you cannot start the test program)
- USB cable for connecting to a computer
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